Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Why Now?

In the event that you are wondering why we are going to Italy with only a month to spare, it is pretty simple.  We wanted to go to Italy in the next year or two.  Scout graduates from Our Lady Seat of Wisdom this spring, and we also wanted to attend her graduation.

Half of the fare of getting to Europe from the west coast is getting to the eastern side our fair country.  There are six of us travelling.  A few quick calculations, and we realized that it was more financially prudent IF we were to attend Scout's graduation, to go to Italy now.

AND its more fun that way.

That's why you need to study math, children.


  1. You must have a great husband! Italy, imagine a month.

    1. Ha! Maybe that "p" in Sparky should really be an "n"?

    2. Maybe we can hyphenate it...Spark-snark or something. I'll give it some serious consideration.

    3. Honey! I know you were totally serious...desidari un bicchiere di vino rosso, il mio amore?
